…a true life lesson 102

Throughout my professional life I attended a number of seminars, workshops, and sessions geared towards personal development.  There were many times I learned an updated technique or new method, but many times they seemed like a waste of time.  Often, it wasn’t until later that I would  realize much of the information was productive, since it was a reinforcement of things I already knew.  A refresher, or as I’ve come to realize now…a life lesson 102!

This week in particular I became very aware of how many things in my life I take for granted!  It was obvious, once again, how easily it is to get wrapped up in something and completely forget the coping skills I’ve learned from long ago.  That moment of awareness, was once again, for me my Life Lesson 102.

With the self isolation and quarantine, it’s possible a lot of you could have some extra time on your hands.  If you are anything like me, you spend some of that  time deep in thought, focused inside your head, and maybe in a dark place.  The COVID 19 news is coming at us from every direction.  It’s pretty stark and the reality of the outbreak gets scarier every day.  It’s so easy to get so wrapped up in all of it that I forget to take a moment to step away and balance it with something else. Without diminishing its seriousness, not everything is or has to bad, but for some reason I got sucked in and I forgot that.  I needed a refresher to cope…a life lesson 102 to help me out!

I am aware of all the #VirusHeros working hard to make a whole lot of lives better.  The good work of so many is so positive and such a joy to witness.  Maybe for you it is more personal;  within your own family someone doing something so awesome it gives you the smile you need for the day.  Maybe it’s a beautiful piece of nature that soothes your emotions.  That helped me out today as I walked around our place on a what seemed to only be a cold and snowy morning.  At first glance it was awful, dull and gloomy.  The more I opened my eyes and looked around, the more I realized there was this awesome beauty all around me.  I just needed to look for it to find it!

I hope you enjoy this video and it gives you a moment of calm in the same way it did for me.  Enjoy!  Next week I’m going a tad less profound but still comfy…check back next week for my comfort video and learn how to love Brussels Sprouts!

If you have a moment that gives you calm or you have a #VirusHeros you’d like to share, please do that in the comments or on my Twitter @JohnFashionGuy 

4 thoughts on “…a true life lesson 102

  1. That’s very intense and profound. You have such an amazing way with words. I could listen all day. Your video is truly wonderful. It’s very soothing. Thank you. ❤️


  2. This is beautiful!! Your sister Mona shared it with me and I really enjoyed it. So peaceful and calming with the animals and falling snow :). Hope you are staying safe and healthy


    1. Thank you so much for checking this out (Mona’s very kind to share this) …we are staying very well and healthy and have a perfect place to isolate…stay safe, stay healthy, stay home!


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