…be patient!

I have always been a worst case scenario planner!  In my previous career, I believe it helped me to be a success!  I would have almost every worst possible thing figured out before hand, usually when I should have been sleeping! Sometimes, experience forced me to think this way and in other times it was updated information that made me prepare for the worst case! So it only makes sense that whenever I’m dealing with a situation in my life, I have to run through each ‘worst case’ before I make my final decision-even today as a retired person. It is still very common to work through all the possible ‘bad’ things that could happen on everything I will do.  It is the way I think about my greenhouse, and also the way I am preparing to head out of isolation! It makes sense that the two issues find some common ground in my thinking.

Each day I watch the news, local and international!  (Life lesson: I’ve learned over the years that ‘newscasts’ are anchors who read the news of the day in a very non-judgmental and informative way.  ‘Opinion’ journalists offer their opinions one way or another about the news of the day.  There is a difference that far too many people still need to learn!)  I get an update on the Covid pandemic and also on the weather!  Both are so important right now as I prepare to move the seedlings outside and me back into the world!  When I hear the updates and find there is still a possibility not everything is understood about our current situation…I admittedly spent some serious time ‘worst case’ planning! The weather forecast predicts unexpected snow and the news says we’re not really sure if we’re peaked on the curve.  When I process that information, in my worst case scenario, it says to me and my plants that we need to stay inside a bit longer.

I am really impatient to put the plants out and even though I love our place…a trip to the city might be kind of cool.  I have been so careful with keeping my plants and me indoors…but the snow…but the curve! You can imagine the dilemma I am faced with in my worst case scenario planning knowing what I know.  This year is different and nothing is  the same.  In both situations, the experts are telling me it’s a bit too early and I need to hold on and wait just a bit more.  My worst case scenario planning is telling me things are going so well, why risk heading out too soon?  My biggest life lessons over these past few months has taught me that just because I want something, it doesn’t mean I get to have it!  We all have to be a bit more patient!  For a minute think about the ‘worst case scenario’ and ask yourself…is it worth it? Maybe keep those seedlings inside the greenhouse and protected for a little while more until the sun is shining and there’s less risk of snow!

Check out the Isolation Playlist listed after the video and have a look at the video that I made to go with those songs in previous posts!  



(Click the link to add the song to your collection & check out the videos posted in previous posts for a nice break)

Track 1 – Stay Safe Stay Healthy

Track 2 – A True Life Lesson 102

Track 3 – Farmer John 102

Track 4 – A little bit of Hope

Track 5 – A bit of sunshine

Track 6 – A look back is a Lesson

Track 6 – Be Patient 

7 thoughts on “…be patient!

  1. Ha ……it’s like listening to myself John! If I am not worried or thinking about what if…….I must be dead. 🤣 True, this isolation makes one slow down, respect the experts, listen to what your gut is telling you. Over a week ago all
    around me people have been planting outside …I was so tempted, so feeling like I needed to be one of the herd . Glad I didn’t. The tomato plants and annuals are happily waiting and I think today just might be the day.
    Love your blogs! So inspirational.

    How are the chicks doing?


    1. Lynn….thank you so much for checking out my blog and for ALWAYS saying something so thoughtful and appreciated! One has to be pretty strong to not be one of the herd! Its so much easier to just go with the flow, even when you know that’s not right! Tim told me to tell you that the chicks are getting plumb and almost ready for the freezer! Stay Well! Hugs!


  2. I consider myself an over-thinker.
    You’re shocked, I know HA!!
    But I think in our current times it makes me a bit more patient with wanting to get out there and “get back to normal”, if you know what I mean. Our normal could be a long way off but I’m okay with just sitting back and waiting.
    Your post today speaks to exactly what a lot of us are thinking but you always have a way of saying it so perfectly.
    Another most enjoyable one 😌❤️


    1. thanks so much…I know I am not alone and we all need to just take a breath every day….our new normal may be different but we can certainly manage that over the alternative! hugs!


  3. Growing up, I thought through nothing. Now, every action is carefully panicked about prior. Something that has helped me: embracing the beauty of it all. If my flowers were not growing, I used to smother them and create the worst possible situation in my head. Now, I focus on how lovely it is that I do not have complete control over my flowers; They will bloom under the right conditions, and sometimes there is nothing I can do about it. Very similar to life…

    Stay safe and be well,
    Erin, The Rosebud


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