…a pretty intense week!

Please watch the video below! I hope it gives you a few minutes of calm!

In a world where almost everything I do is on a scale of 10 for the intense meter…this week is likely off the charts!  Intensity is in my DNA!  I’ve written about how intense a favorite piece of music is to me when I listen to it.  I get sucked into the music with such intensity that before I know it, I am overcome with emotion! When I create anything from scratch, I get so intensely involved in the process and results, I don’t even think about eating or drinking!   Literally everything in my life is lived or practiced with so much intensity that it should really come as no surprise that these past few weeks have been disturbingly intense for me!

It is so important we all stay informed during this pandemic and I have spent many an hour in front of my TV glued to the constant updates. Given my history of intensity this can be a bit overwhelming!  It’s tough to walk away from each hour of cable news because so much changes.  I feel such intense emotion and the anger, sadness and disgust is so deep and profound, I realized today that a bit of time away, was a good idea!

Many years ago we worked so hard, with most of the work manual, to groom miles of trails on our land.  In the winter we use the trails as a snow shoe track and today with the sun shining I strapped on the shoes and headed out.  It didn’t take long before the feeling outside in the sun and freshness, made me feel so much better!  I made a video of that hike in the hopes that you could experience some of the intensity of landscape and warmth from the sparkling rays! I put a really awesome (in my opinion) track underneath that visual so the experience could be as intense as possible.  Turn up the music as loud as you feel comfortable with and I hope you enjoy the hike with me!

I’m curious what you do, for your escape from the reality of your day!  I wonder if you can get lost in a moment so intensely that you aren’t as aware of your surroundings! What is it that you do?  Share it in the comments!  If you have a suggestion, share that as well!  It would be great if you are are able to find a moment of calm with this video, let me know!  No matter what you do, do this! Stay well…and stay healthy and keep those around your healthy!  When things get to be too intense, make sure you find something to provide you with the most positive moments that nurture your soul! We can do this!!

This track of music has been a favorite of mine for a lot of years…every time I hear it I instantly feel at peace and connected to my world around me!   I hope you like it…check it out here and maybe you want to add it to your collection!

The link above is for YouTube but check it out wherever you buy/listen to  music!

14 thoughts on “…a pretty intense week!

  1. Thanks John. This was beautiful – your message, the music and the outdoors. Of course, I‘m practicing social distancing and self-isolating right now. I had to work last week but this is our school break now so I’m home and finding all kinds of projects to do. It’s both invigorating and lonely. I generally have little problem doing things by myself but for the fact that we are told to keep distance from everyone. I miss my kids and especially my grand children. But I’m doing what I must do, for the time being. I think I’ll go out for a ski in my yard now. It’s a beautiful day for a trudge in the forest! Take care!


    1. Thank you Janine…in so many ways our world changes and yet its still the same! It’s a bit weird to not be in person with friends and family, but technology helps make that easier. Stay well…stay healthy! Hugs!


  2. John. Enjoy reading your posts. I agree a good walk and sunshine is great anytime. You should think of making a playlist to share. Gloria


    1. Sunshine and music…a perfect combination…there is so much amazing music that soothes my soul…I had so much fun making this video, I might do another one….thanks!


  3. This is a wonderful post John. 😇. I am very much like you. I have to watch every little update about what is happening to the world right now. It is very overwhelming. But I HAVE to know it all. We have not left our house now going on day 8. I have turned to cleaning, going out for a drive and walks in our acreage. Seeing your video on your beautiful land is truly heartwarming. Thank you so very much my friend for sharing. ❤️♥️


  4. Hi John!

    I love that you introduced me to a new song. Keep the beautiful nature videos coming!

    Tara (friend and co-worker of Sasha’s)


  5. John this was a beautiful glimpse of your property, a sense of calm and peace. I got to escape for 3 minutes and a reminder that our health is our wealth. Thank you so much. Stay Safe !
    Laura Dreger 🙏❤️


  6. I believe that you are drawn or sent to certain things, events, or places for a reason. I’m so happy I landed on this page. It gave me peace and I loved it. Lately I’ve been feeling that I need to get out of this fast paced city and slow down. You, your land, and the music inspired me. Thanks so much John


    1. Diane, when I made these I was looking for an escape…I wanted to share with anyone who would listen how peaceful, calming and maybe even distracting my world can be! Everyone has this place, but get caught up in too much of what we think is important…but when it boils down to it…likely isn’t. I also glad this could give you a moment of peace! I appreciate and have always appreciated your wisdom and insight! Hugs!


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